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Congratulations! Parents who received this email is successfully registered as a VIP Member of Graceful Hands Mei Foo Headquarters. We are happy to announce the Mei Foo VIP Membership Card is ready to be picked up. Lots of discount are offered to all Membership Card holders. Please print out this confirmation letter and pick up your card at Mei Foo Headquarters before the end of November. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact us at 82278842. 

卡正式投入服務。只要憑著會員卡便可享有意想不到的折扣優惠!煩請各會員列印此信並於11月31日前,親臨美孚總校領取會員卡。如有任何疑問,可致電 82278842查詢。

Congratulations! Parents who received this email is successfully registered as a VIP Member of Graceful Hands Mei Foo Headquarters. We are happy to announce the Mei Foo VIP Membership Card is ready to be picked up. Lots of discount are offered to all Membership Card holders. Please print out this confirmation letter and pick up your card at Mei Foo Headquarters before the end of November. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact us at 82278842. Thank!

恭喜成功成為童手創智教室美孚總校會員! 會員卡正式投入服務。只要憑著會員卡便可享有意想不到的折扣優惠!煩請各會員列印此信並於11月31日前,親臨美孚總校領取會員卡。如有任何疑問,可致電 82278842查詢。謝謝!